Living within your means is the wise decision to make. We all desire a fancy and luxurious lifestyle. Unfortunately, only a few especially at a young age can afford that kind of life. Renting a bedsitter is not as degrading as long is it is as comfortable as you want it to be.
Quick advice, living in Nairobi is a hurdle. Truth be told. Working out to earn just enough to maintain you and maybe your family is hard-earn-sweat. Not to mention the traffic snarl-ups, the insufficient amenities within your area, and inflated food prices. Being able to budget for your money adequately and having just enough for unprecedented times is what makes living in ‘Nai’ not so hard. It begins by economizing on your monthly rent.
As a property management company, Hillsgate properties, we come across individuals who earn as little as Ksh. 20, 000 looking for a one-bedroom in some of the posh estates. We try to offer an affordable single room for them.
The experience we have is enough to advise whoever is earning less than Khs. 30, 000 to carefully consider living at most a bedsitter or a single room. The best thing about living in a bedsitter is that rent is in most cases less than Ksh. 10,000. From your earnings, you will have left just enough for upkeep and to save.
One other benefit of living in a bedsitter is that it allows privacy. Yes, privacy! Considering their multi-functional nature; containing both washroom and a small room on the side for cooking and sleeping. This makes it unique and comfortable for starting up life.
Save up money by renting a bedsitter or a single room today. You can reach us easily through our social platforms and website for any further assistance. Click here to find a suitable and affordable bedsitter to rent!